Caxias do Sul

São Pelegrino Parish São Pelegrino Parish

Beautiful and majestic catholic church that has sacred paintings of the artist Aldo Locatelli and replicas of Christian works.

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São Pelegrino Parish, in Caxias do Sul, was built in the 19th century, when the Italian immigrant Rafael Buratto, when receiving a frame of São Pelegrino, erected a capital in his property, turning later into a church.

The architecture is impressive, but it is inside the Church where the greatest beauty is: the paintings of the notable Italian artist Aldo Locatelli. Its traces, with classical, Renaissance, and modernist influence, tell Bible stories, such as the creation of the cosmos, the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden, and the last judgment. The paintings of the Via Sacra can be considered his great masterpiece.

At the local, you can also view the replicas of the Turin Shroud, the sheet that involved Jesus Christ when he was removed from the cross, and Pietà, sculpture that represents the Virgin Mary with Jesus on her lap after the crucifixion, originally sculpted by the Italian artist Michelangelo.

The church has three bronze doors, of biblical connotation, and refers to the Italian saga, molded in Italy and weighing, in total, 7 tons.

Key information and tips

At night, because of the lighting, the Church is even more beautiful.

June is the coldest month with possibility of snow. Dress properly.

Opening hours:
Daily from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Free entrance.

Duration of the Visit
1 hour.
+55 (54) 3221-2567
More Info
Tourism in Caxias do Sul
Social network of the Church
Official website


Avenida Itália, 54, São Pelegrino - Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul

The most comfortable way to get to São Pelegrino Parish is by taxi. Refer to the companies that provide this type of service.

You may rent a car to visit São Pelegrino Parish and the other attractions of Roteiro Urbano in Caxias do Sul.

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