Campos do Jordão

Mosteiro de São João Mosteiro de São João

A must see for those who seek reflection and inner peace.

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Campos do Jordão, in São Paulo, is known to be one of the coldest cities of Brazil. One of its main tourist attractions is the Mosteiro de São João (São João Monastery), that attracts visitors for being a place of peace, with a beautiful landscape, balance and harmony. You can go there to enjoy a different day, relaxing far from all excitement.

The Monastery was founded in 1964 by a group of nuns led by Mother Marguerite. Today, it is formed by the Benedictine nuns, one of the oldest religious orders of the West. They perform an important social work: the Mother’s Club, that teaches arts and crafts to women from poor families in the region.

The highlight of the visit to the Monastery is the Gregorian recital that happens every day at 5:45 pm, at the São João Batista Chapel. At the Monastery you will also find, many gardens and caves with Christian images, ideal for moments of reflection. There is also a small shop that sells hand made products made by nuns.

Key information and tips

Useful telephones:

The Gregorian recital happens every day at 5:45 pm, at the São João Batista Chapel.

Opening hours:
Daily, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Free admission.

Duration of the Visit
1 hour.
+55 (12) 3673-1060
More Info
São João Monastery


Av. Dr. Adhemar de Barros, 330 – Abernéssia – Campos do Jordão – São Paulo.

If you prefer, you can take a taxi to the Monastery. Check rates and companies available in the city.

Departing from downtown (Vila Capivari), turn right at the rotatória das flores (roundabout), near the Estação da Estrada de Ferro (Railroad Station), and follow the side street to the Mercado Municipal (Municipal Market) until the Monastery, located after the Police Station. This small map can help.

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