
Parintins Cathedral Parintins Cathedral

The Catholic Cathedral is a milestone in the history of Parintins and has impressive architecture, in addition to beautiful religious paintings.

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The Parintins Cathedral, in the State of Amazonas, was inaugurated in 1981 after a long fundraising campaign for its construction. This campaign resulted in the creation of the second biggest folklore feast of Brazil, the Parintins Folklore Festival, first held in 1966 with the goal of obtaining resources for its construction.

The Cathedral pays homage to Nossa Senhora do Carmo, the patron saint of the city, which is why the church is adored by the Catholics of Parintins. Its front is all covered in tiles and has a 42m high tower, where the image of Nossa Senhora watches over the city and the Amazon river.

Inside, the image of Nossa Senhora do Carmo stands on the beautiful marble altar, in front of the stained glass, both brought from Italy. The collection of paintings by Irmão Miguel de Pascale is very rich. You can admire the various images on the church which have as theme saints, evangelists, parables, Brazilian shrines and biblical passages.

Key information and tips

Climb the tower to have a beautiful panoramic view of Parintins.

Parintins Department of Tourism and Culture: + 55 (92) 99124-1047

Opening hours:
Time of the masses: Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 6:00 am and at 7:30 pm. Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, at 6:00 am and at 6:00 pm. Sundays, at 6:00 am, 8:00 am and 7:30 pm.

Free entry.

Duration of the Visit
30 minutes.
+55 (92) 3533-1221
More Info
Official website


Rua Clarindo Chaves, 330, Centro – Parintins, Amazonas

In the city there are tricycles which serve as means of transportation to visit the Cathedral and other attractions.

The most comfortable way to get to the Parintins Cathedral is by taxi. Refer to local companies that provide this type of service.

The Cathedral of Parintins is located on the center of the city. Depending on where you are, you can walk there. This map may help.

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