
Praia Vermelha Praia Vermelha

Peace, tranquility and surfing amidst an exquisite landscape.

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Praia Vermelha, with 480 m of extension, is located between Praia do Rosa (in Imbituba) and Praia do Ouvidor (in Garopaba, approximately 28 km from Imbituba) and was for years a private beach. Today, access to the site is free and it is only accessible through trails.

Its limpid waters tend to attract many surfers, but there are visitors who go there just for a nice swim or to relish the sight of the high hills and abundant vegetation. It is quite common to find fishermen performing traditional fishing of tainhas with nets.

If you want to get away from the excitement of the most frequented beaches, this is the ideal place. There is no infrastructure of bars or restaurants, but the exuberance of nature in the midst of a practically deserted beach is more than rewarding.

Key information and tips

If you are staying for a long period, take supplies, proper footwear, and water.

More Info
Imbituba City Hall.
Tourism in Imbituba.


Imbituba, Santa Catarina

Access to Praia Vermelha is only by foot. Two trails lead there: one coming from the left corner of Praia do Rosa, through the slope of the hill, and another on Praia do Ouvidor (in Garopaba, approximately 28 km from Imbituba), where part of the path is paved.

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