
Círio de Nazaré Círio de Nazaré

A symbol of the faith on Our Lady, the event gathers 2 million people in the streets of Belém.

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One of the most passionate demonstrations of catholic faith in Brazil and in the world, the Círio de Nazaré (Procession of Our Lady of Nazareth) has been held in Belém, capital of Pará state, for more than two centuries. It is a magnificent spectacle in tribute to Our Lady of Nazareth. The procession follows a route of 2.2 miles from Our Lady of Grace Cathedral to the Santuário de Nazaré Square, where the saint’s statue is exhibited for 15 days for believers to worship.

A key moment of the celebration is the Procession’s lunch, with a table offering regional cuisine, such as pato no tucupi (duck in tucupi sauce), maniçoba (boiled manioc leaves and meat), tacacá (dried shrimp in tucupi sauce) and, casquinha de caranguejo (crab meat). At night, the spectacle is brought by the lighting of 4 thousand lamps installed on the edges of the Basilica of Our Lady of Nazareth’s façade.

Due to its grandiosity, Círio de Nazaré was included in the Registry Book of Celebrations in 2004, created by the National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage (Iphan) to record festivities of great sociocultural importance..


Do not forget to have your ID with you.

Avoid carrying valuables and large amount of cash.

Because of the heat, wear comfortable clothing and put on some sunscreen.

When October 10th to 13th, 2019 Add to calendar

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