
Canoa Quebrada Village Canoa Quebrada Village

Good restaurants and a lot of excitement during the night.

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With a small and hospitable population, the Canoa Quebrada Village, in Aracati, is a place worthy of a film. French people of the Nouvelle Vague (New Wave) movement, in the 1960s, found the hidden place and presented it to the world and to Brazilians themselves. The symbol of the moon and a star carved in to the cliffs has become the hallmark of the Village, and gives a special touch to the place.

The center of the village is an ideal location to discover a little more about the crafts of Ceará and to buy souvenirs such as lace goods and the famous bottles filled with sand of various colors.

After enjoying the pleasures that the site offers during the day, you can enjoy the animation of the main street, named Broadway, where bars, restaurants and concert halls offer entertainment until dawn. There, everyone gathers to hear and dance to various rhythms: reggae, rock, forró, electronic music, and popular Brazilian music.

Those who want a more relaxed program can enjoy a luau or simply enjoy the services of the hotels and inns of the region.

Key information and tips

The transit of vehicles on Broadway street is forbidden.

More Info
Aracati – Convention & Visitors Bureau
Association of Entrepreneurs of Canoa Quebrada
Tourism in Ceará


Aracati, Ceará

The most comfortable way to get to Canoa Quebrada Village is by taking a taxi. Calculate the fare leaving from Fortaleza and refer to which companies provide this type of service.

You can rent a car to get to Canoa Quebrada Village. Refer to the route leaving from Fortaleza.

There are buses leaving from Fortaleza and Natal that head to Canoa Quebrada Village.

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