São João Del Rei

Cathedral of Nossa Senhora do Pilar Cathedral of Nossa Senhora do Pilar

Church popular with tourists who want to enjoy 18th century Baroque architecture.

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Minas Gerais is known throughout Brasil and even aborad for its churches. During the colonial period, many churches were built following the architectural style of the time, full of details and symbolism. Today, in addition to being places of faith, these churches are tourist attractions such as the Catedral Basílica Nossa Senhora do Pilar, in São João Del Rei. Preserved by the Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (Iphan), the Cathedral was built in 1721, after the former chapel was burned down during a war. In 1732, when the construction reached the final stage, finishing materials were sent from Portugal, including paints, sheets of gold and a painting of the Santa Ceia (The Last Super).

It's a typically Baroque construction and richly ornamented. The Cathedral is the only church in the city with altars in gold wire. The Cathedral also has an image of São Miguel decorated by diamonds and emeralds and an image of Nossa Senhora do Pilar made with more than 200 kg of gold.

Opening hours:
From Tuesday to Sunday, from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Free admission

Duration of the Visit
1 hour.
+55 (32) 3371-2568
More Info
Catedral Basílica N S Pilar E-


Rua Monsenhor Gustavo, 61, Centro - São João Del Rei, MG

You can rent a bike to ride around the historic streets of São João Del Rei. This map can help you get around in the city and to find the Cathedral.

São João Del Rei is located 185 km from Belo Horizonte and you can rent a car to ride around town. This small map can help you get around in São João Del Rei.

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