São João Del Rei

Tancredo Neves Memorial Tancredo Neves Memorial

An entire memorial dedicated to one of the great personalities of Brazilian politics.

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The year 1990 saw the opening Tancredo Neves Memorial, in São João Del Rei, Minas Gerais. The space was created to honor the Brazilian lawyer and politician born in that city.

Tancredo Neves was a central figure for the Country’s democratization process and became a symbol in the fight for direct elections. In 1985, he was democratically elected in the first direct election after 20 years of military dictatorship, but fell ill and died before taking office.

The Memorial is divided into nine rooms, which showcase Tancredo’s political career, from an alderman to congressman to being elected President. In one of the rooms, you'll hear the Brazilian national anthem and you’re likely to get emotional, especially by getting involved with the political struggle of this character.

Stories and scenes of Tancredo's participation in the campaign for the return of direct elections are also available on the site.

Opening hours:
On holidays and Friday to Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

A nominal fee of R$ 2 for the ticket.

Duration of the Visit
1 hour.
+55 (32) 3371-7836Virtual visit to the Memorial.
More Info
Virtual visit to the Memorial.


Rua Padre José Maria Xavier, nº 7 – São João Del Rey, MG

You can rent a bike to ride around the historic streets of São João Del Rei. This map can help you get around in the city and to find the Memorial.

São João Del Rei is located 185 Km from Belo Horizonte and you can rent a car to drive around town. This small map can help you get around in São João Del Rei.

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