City of

São Raimundo Nonato São Raimundo Nonato

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São Raimundo Nonato

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Located in the South of the state of Piauí, the São Raimundo Nonato municipality has the Serra da Capivara National Park, the most important archaeological site of Brazil, as its main tourist attraction, know for its rock paintings that are over 25 thousand years old.

For thousands of years, walls of rocks were written on and painted on by different groups, narrating everyday life and the ceremonial facts of the prehistoric period. In 1991, the site was classified as a World Heritage Ste by Unesco, due to the importance of the primitive rock records of its archaeological sites.

Headquartered in the Caatinga (a biome with vegetation typical of the semiarid regions of northeastern Brazil) and spread out over three other cities (São João do Piauí, Coronel José Dias, and Canto do Buriti), the Park has more than 1,350 archaeological sites including caves, underground lakes, and sandstone walls, making the geology of the place an outstanding attraction.

Jaguars, monkeys, caititus (peccary), Chilean eagles, deer, agoutis, snakes, iguanas, parakeets, terns, and other bird species may cross your path. Cameras at the ready!

São Raimundo Nonato also comprises the Fundação Museu do Homem Americano, created by a scientific cooperation between France and Brazil. Paleontological, archaeological, botanical, and zoological collections are exposed in the institute.

In the urban area of the city, you can see monuments such as Cruzeiro, with 40 m high and covered with stained glass windows, and sculptures that depict endangered animals, such as those of giant seriema (a prehistoric animal), jaguars (still present in the region), and the giant armadillo (an animal that is nowadays extinct).

Be sure to also visit the Catedral de São Raimundo Nonato Church, built in 1876.

There is an air taxi company that can take you from Teresina to São Raimundo Nonato, stooping at the Picos municipality.
Road (Bus)
There are buses departing from the Teresina Bus Station to São Raimundo Nonato.

Personal or rental vehicles
São Raimundo Nonato is 530 km way from Teresina; leaving from the city, you can travel by the BR-343 and PI-140 highways. Leaving from Petrolina, you can travel by the BR-235 and BR-324 highways.

You may visit nearby tourist attractions by mototaxi or taxi. Refer to the list of companies providing these and other types of service in the city.

São Raimundo Nonato City Hall

The area code (DDD) for São Raimundo Nonato is 89.


Tourist Information Center: +55 (89) 3582-2602
Senador Cândido Ferraz Regional Hospital: + 55 (89) 3582-1413
Police: 190

To enter Brazil, vaccination against any type of illness is not mandatory. However, vaccination against yellow fever (a disease transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes) is recommended before your trip. If you have never taken the vaccine, you need to take it up to 10 days before the trip (this time period is not necessary if you have already been vaccinated).

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