State of

Acre Acre


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Acre is one of Brazil's 27 Federative Units

Acre is bordered by Bolivia and Peru and still holds approximately 90% of its natural forest cover.

Its economy is based on extraction, especially the exploitation of rubber, which was responsible for the local settlement. The State is also a major producer of castanha (popular brazilian nut), açaí (a local berry) and óleo de copaíba, and its main export is lumber.

Among its more than 700 thousand inhabitants, about 15 thousand are Indians living in 32 reservations and who still preserve their ethnic traditions.

The cultural heritage of the Indians is quite present in crafts and cooking, and also influences the way of life of the acreanos, who have a tight connection with the forest and its myths. [acreanos = people who live in Acre]

To experience this relationship between man and forest, nothing better than to walk the Caminhos de Chico Mendes. Chico Mendes was a trade union leader known worldwide for his struggle in defense of the sustainable use of the natural resources of the Amazon.

Another interesting attraction is the Serra do Divisor National Park, a conservation unit that contains one of the largest biodiversities in the world.

Acre is one of Brazil's 27 Federative Units

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