
Estrada Bonita Estrada Bonita

A small via of 6 km with beautiful houses in German style that sell regional products.

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Located 20 km from the entrance of Joinville, in Santa Catarina State, the Beautiful Road is a small via with the natural charm of the European nooks in Brazil. There, small colonies of immigrants from last century sell homemade products such as jellies, biscuits, cheeses, molasses, breads, and candies from the region.

The architecture of the houses of Estrada Bonita has a German-style, with manicured gardens and beautiful fences. On the way, you can visit the Rural Museum, which houses old tools and utensils used in family agriculture.

In the region, you can do tours of tractor or horse and fish in places that have services of “fish and pay,” besides offering kiosks structure for barbecues. The route ends on the shores of Bonito river, where restaurants offer lunch and colonial breakfast on weekends.

Key information and tips

City Hall: +55 (47) 3431-3233

Opening hours:
From Tuesday to Sunday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Free entrance.

Duration of the Visit
2 to 3 hours.
+55 (47) 3467-0715 e +55 (47) 9961-3553
More Info
Joinville City Hall
Estrada Bonita


Acesso pelo Km 20 da BR-101 - Joinville, Santa Catarina

The most comfortable way to get there is by taxi. Refer to the companies that provide this type of service.

You can rent a car in Joinville and go up to Estrada Bonita. Refer to the route.

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