Dores do Rio Preto

Pico da Bandeira Pico da Bandeira

The third highest point in the Country has 2,892m in height and is located in Serra do Caparaó.

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Pico da Bandeira is located in the Caparaó National Park, on the border between the States of Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais. It is the third highest peak of Brazil, being 2,892m tall, and hiking up to it, amidst the Atlantic Forest, provides wonderful sceneries.

The main attraction of the Park has a summit composed of rocks. While hiking up there, you can take the chance to enjoy a swim in one of the rivers and waterfalls at the location. You can also see some of the local wildlife such as crab-eating foxes, skunks, pacas and others.

The trail which leads there is marked with yellow arrows painted on the rocks and wooden stakes along the way. It is quite common to go on the hike during the night to see the Sunrise from up there, especially in the month of July, during the full Moon.

It is also possible to stay overnight in the park in the areas available for camping, upon prior reservation. If you are not staying overnight, pay attention to the time of return.

Key information and tips

You can stay in the house of a local farmer, near the park.

For overnight reservations: + 55 (32) 3747-2086

Take a sweater, especially if you are staying overnight at the Park.

Use insect repellent and sunscreen, and take food and water.

Opening hours:
Daily, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Foreigners – R$ 32.

Brazilians – R$ 16.

Local community – R$ 3.

Camping – R$ 18.

More Info
Tips and rules
Pico da Bandeira


Parque Nacional do Caparaó – Dores do Rio Preto, Espírito Santo

You can rent a car and go to the district of Pedra Menina, where the entranceway to the Park is. Refer to the path leaving from Vitória and from Dores do Rio Preto. Learn more.

From the Bus Stop of Vitória, you should take the bus to the municipality of Cachoeiro do Itapemirim and, from there, go to the district of Pedra Menina, where the entranceway to the Park is. Learn more.

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