
Praia do Cumbuco Praia do Cumbuco

A beach that is famous for several attractions, such as horseback riding and buggy tours through the dunes.

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The municipality of Caucaia is where you will find the charming Praia do Cumbuco, 35 km from the capital of Ceará, Fortaleza.

The Beach is a favorite of tourists and is famous for offering fun attractions, such as buggy adventures through the huge dunes, or quadricycle, raft yours and horseback riding.

The sea has warm waters which are great for relaxing, and looks lovely. The winds are also characteristic of the location, and the main reason why it attracts surfing and kitesurfing enthusiasts from around the world.

Amidst the dunes, you will find Lagoa do Banana, where, from the top of a pile of sand, you can slide down while sitting on a small board that is suitable for such and fall straight into the water.

The beach has excellent infrastructure for tourists, with many hotels and shops. During nighttime you may enjoy the attractions of the bars and restaurants, or taste the delights of the cuisine of Ceará such as fried pargo, a fish typical to the region, served with salad and potatoes.

Key information and tips

+55 (85) 3342-8143

Use sunscreen and a cap or hat to protect your head.

More Info
Caucaia City Hall


Caucaia, Ceará

You may also go to Praia do Cumbuco by taxi.

You may rent a car for touring in Praia do Cumbuco

There are companies that provide transportation services in the city. In Cumbuco, the stop is located in the center, at the end of the main street, in the direction of Jericoacoara.

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