Caxias do Sul

Vale Trentino Vale Trentino

For wine lovers, the route through the Vale Trentino is a trip to the flavors of grape and to the shades of Italian immigration.

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On the border of the cities Caxias do Sul and Farroupilha is Vale Trentino, cradle of the Italian immigration in Brazil. By the hands of the Italians, the place embraced its talent for wine and today there are lots of vineyards, since the properties of large producers until small traditional families.

The route through Vale Trentino includes visitation to canteens and wineries of the region. You can taste excellent flavors and buy various wines, juices and derivatives from grapes produced in Vale, meet the planting process, ripening and manufacture of wine, and get in touch with the Italian customs and traditions that still linger in local communities.

In addition, it is possible to listen to stories with the Venetian dialect (a language spoken in an area of Northeastern Italy) and make a historic trip to Primo Slomp Grape and Wine Museum, the first winemaking cooperative of Latin America, founded in 1929.

Key information and tips

Find out more about the wineries on the hosting site.

Department of Tourism: +55 (54) 3222-1875

June is the coldest month with possibility of snow. Dress properly.

Beware of excessive alcohol consumption.

Do not drive if you have ingested alcohol.

Opening hours:
Each attraction of Vale Trentino has its own day and hours of operation.

Free entrance.

Duration of the Visit
1 day.
+55 (54) 3222-1875 and 0800 541 1875
More Info
Vale Trentino


Department of Tourism - Rua Ludovico Cavinatto, 1431, Nossa Senhora da Saúde - Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul

The ideal way to get to know the attractions of Vale Trentino is through an income tour operator hired in Caxias do Sul or in the capital Porto Alegre.

As the tour involves wine tasting, the ideal is to rely on the local taxi service.

If you do not want to taste wine, you may rent a car to get to Vale Trentino.

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