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The first thing one notices about Maceió is the sea color variation – sometimes green, sometimes blue – and the Sun, present almost all year round, which results in constantly warm waters. The origin of its name is indigenous and means the place of "Maçayó", which in turn means Flooded Land.

Historians claim that the capital of Alagoas was originated from an old sugar plantation, around the 18th century. Others believe that, for it being a coastal city, its origin would be a small fishing village. The city stands out economically for the fishing of fish and crustaceans and for the importance of sugar, a product responsible for most of the activity in Maceió Harbor, which makes it the largest sugar terminal in the world.

Maceió has a developed tourist infrastructure with hotels of various categories, inns and hostels, most of them near the beaches. In the Pajuçara, Ponta Verde and Jatiúca beaches, there are restaurants and kiosks on the promenade (many with live music) that serve seafood based dishes. One of the local delicacies is sururu, a seafood characteristic of the region that deserves to be appreciated.

In the late afternoon, the promenade becomes a perfect walkway for the practice of physical activities or simply for enjoying the Sunset.

The local culture is expressive and memorable, especially for its rich folklore, in addition to its internationally known artists, writers and musicians, such as the singer Djavan. Among the folkloric demonstrations there are festivals such as Carvalhada, Bumba Meu Boi and Reisado. The crafts are represented by renda filé (a type of lace that is typical of the region) and ceramics, and enchant all for their originality and beauty.

Praia do Francês, 20 km from the center of Maceió, is one of the most beautiful in Brazil, with waters protected by a wall of reefs which causes them to remain calm and crystal clear.

It is also possible to visit beaches farther north, like Mirante da Sereia, Riacho Doce, Garça Torta and Guaxuma.

Plane/ airport
The Maceió Airport – Zumbi dos Palmares – is located in Rio Largo, in the metropolitan region of Maceió, 22 km from the center of the city.
The nearest international airport is the Recife International Airport, which receives flights from Frankfurt, Buenos Aires, Miami, Lisbon and Panama City.
Road (bus)

The Maceió Bus Station receives buses from several Brazilian States, such as Pernambuco, Paraíba and Ceará.

Maceió has about 730 buses and the Integrated Mobility System of Maceió can be accessed with the electronic card. Passengers may take more than one bus paying a single pass.

Personal or Rental Vehicles
The metropolitan region of Maceió may be accessed through the main federal highways, such as BR-101, BR-316 and BR-104. The city is also a convergence point of state highways.

The coast area of Maceió has excellent infrastructure for cycling and may be an excellent alternative for spending the late afternoon.

On foot

Maceió Department of Tourism

The DDD (area code) for Maceió is 82.


Emergency (Samu): 192
Maceió Department of Tourism: + 55 82 3336 4409 and + 55 82 3336 3650

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