20 waterfalls to wash your soul

Relaxing, inspiring and perfect for taking out stress: there's nothing like a waterfall, isn't it?

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They may even be similar to each other, but each waterfall has its charm. Some falls are very high as the Cachoeira da Fumaça, in Chapada Diamantina (Bahia), with 380 meters of height or the charming Boca da Onça, in Bonito (Mato Grosso do Sul) that has wells to bath in where you will leave completely renovated!

If you go to Minas Gerais and want to enjoy contact with nature, the Cachoeira do Tabuleiro is a must see attraction. The waterfall has 273 meters of free fall and, at the end, a 20 m deep well with a natural pool for bathing.

If you want to enjoy several days visiting waterfalls, each more incredible than the last, go to Alto Paraíso, in the State of Goiás. There are many trails in the midst of nature, full of waterfalls to cool off during the hike. In the Chapada, you can even fly on a balloon to check everything from above!

Another place in Goiás full of waterfalls is the city of Pirenópolis, that has about 80 waterfalls and almost all open to visitation. The city is a huge balneary, where tourists spend the day in the waterfalls and the night enjoying the Historic Center.

In the South of Brasil, a particular waterfall has an amazing fall: the Salto Yucumã. Considered the largest waterfall in the world, it has a shocking length: 1,800 meters. You can go for a run around its extension and then take a refreshing bath in its crystal clear waters.

With an exuberant nature, Brasil has no shortage of waterfalls. Choose one that you want to visit and check it out with your own eyes! Oh! Don't forget to tell us through the hashtag #VisitBrasil.