5 hiking trails to horse hide

Beautiful and exciting Brazilian trails to discover, mounted on a horse!

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A pair of jeans, hiking boots, stamina and a horse. A long way, full of natural spouts, wild beauty, stunning views, dense woods, sunsets, and white sand beaches, waiting for you, travelling rider! Even the most accustomed to the noises of the city rejoice at the sound of the cavalry of the horseshoe on asphalt.

Tighten the cell, get your hat, get on your horse and follow the path!

Itanhandu – Minas Gerais

At Itanhandu, nearly 300 km from Belo Horizonte, it is possible to enjoy charming tours in the countryside. There are a number of tour options, which include waterfall baths in natural fresh water wells, virgin forest and beautiful scenery. 20 km from the city, you can find the headwaters of the Green River, at the top of Serra da Mantiqueira.

Serra da Mantiqueira – Rio de Janeiro

At Serra da Mantiqueira, you can enjoy one of the most famous horseback riding in the country. With different types of vegetation, small dirt roads and spots in the brake where the Sun does not penetrate, it has an "ecological corridor", with the first National Park and lots of quiet nature.

Itu – São Paulo

The city of Itu, nearly 80 km from the city of São Paulo, holds the traditional Horseback Riding under the Full Moon, where visitors can seize illuminated evenings riding under the moonlight amid an exuberant nature. The tour may also include, in addition to the ride, dinner with music by guitar players and food cooked on a firewood stove.

Pantanal – Mato Grosso

They say that the best way to explore Pantanal is on the back of a horse. There are no defined trails, and the guides are the pawns from Pantanal. After the ride, you can recall the day, at the sound of the blue macaws, and engage on a storytelling circle, sipping a tereré (cold mate herb drink).

Praia da Pipa – Rio Grande do Norte

Feel the sea breeze on your face and enjoy the sunset on the back of a horse. Is there anything more nostalgic?