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Belo Horizonte

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Affectionately nicknamed Beagá by its residents, Belo Horizonte came to the world, modern. Belo Horizonte was the first brazilian city to be planned, and emerged at the end of the 19th century.

It was there that the architect Oscar Niemeyer designed one of his first creations, the Conjunto Arquitetônico da Pampulha, consisting of the Pampulha Church, the Yacht Tennis Club, the Casa de Baile (Dance House) and the Casino. Belo Horizonte is also home to one of his last works, the Presidente Tancredo Neves administrative city, built in 2010.

The gastronomy of Minas Gerais is an attraction in itself. Every visitor should try the feijão tropeiro (prepared with flour and sausage), the torresmo and the cachaça at the Central Market. There you will find these and other delights.

And don't forget to taste the traditional queijo minas, a cheese that is white and wet. This cheese is handmade since the 18th century, at local farms, and was recently declared a cultural heritage of Brazil by the Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (Iphan).

Another great tour is the Praça da Liberdade cultural circuit, where you can visit the Minas Gerais Memorial, the Liberdade Palace, the Banco do Brasil cultural center and the Minas Gerais Museum.

Belo Horizonte is also an excellent starting point for those who want to visit the historic cities of Minas Gerais: Ouro Preto, Diamantina, Mariana, Tiradentes and São João Del Rei. And, also nearby, is Brumadinho, where you will find Inhotim a large open air museum with one of the most expressive contemporary art collections in the world.

During the Rio 2016 Games ™, Beagá will receive ten football games, one of them being the match for the bronze. The matches will be at the Mineirão Stadium.

Belo Horizonte International Airport receives international flights from Miami, Orlando and Panama.
Rodovia MG 10 – Km 39 – Confins
0800 037 1547 / +55 (31) 3689-6800
Aeroporto da Pampulha
Praça Bagatelle, 204 – São Luiz – Belo Horizonte
+ 55 (31) 3490-2000

If you are coming from another city in Brazil, you can catch a bus to the Belo Horizonte bus station. Buses from all main companies arrive at the terminal every day.
Personal or rental vehicles

The main highways to Belo Horizonte are the BR-381 (Fernão Dias Highway), coming from the State of São Paulo; BR-040, in Rio de Janeiro, Goiás and Distrito Federal; and BR-262, of Espírito Santo.

Several bus routes serve the city. More information by phone or through the 156 BHTrans site.

The subway can be a good transportation means for some of the city’s sights. Check the routes before boarding.

The easiest way of getting around town is by taxi. Check fees e a lista de empresas recomendadas pela BHTrans.

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