City of

Cuiabá Cuiabá

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The strong indigenous presence in Cuiaba, capital of Mato Grosso, ensures visitors the opportunity to find the cultural heritage rooted in the city, either because of the manner of speaking, the cuisine or traditions. A starting point is the search for contact with nature by way of the city's hotels and lodges.

Cuiabá is located at the central point of South America and has many pleasant surprises, such as its historical center, preserved by the Instituto de Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage – Iphan). Two must-do tours are:the Museu Rondon do Índio (Rondon Indigenous Museum), with a collection related to the indigenous ethnic groups that have been living in the region for centuries, and the Museu de Pedras Ramis Bucair (Ramis Bucair Stone Museum), with displays of rocks and precious stones, as well as archaeological pieces.

The city's economy is based on commerce and industry. The main commerce is retail, consisting of stores and stalls of food products, clothing and appliances. The industrial sector is basically represented by agribusiness, with a district containing the necessary infrastructure, which attracts many entrepreneurs.

The Parque Indígena do Xingu (Xingu Indigenous Park) was created in 1961, as a initiative of backwoodsmen led by the Villas-Bôas brothers, to ensure the survival, better living conditions and land for the indigenous population of the region, as well as to preserve their culture, habits and religion. The Park has about 5000 inhabitants from 15 different ethnic groups in over 30 villages.

The Caverna do Jabuti (Turtle Cave), preserved in 2014 as a State Historic and Artistic Heritage Site, also deserves to be visited. It is in Curvelândia, found about 310 km away from Cuiabá.The town offers a unique experience of contact with nature through

Indigenous reservations and the Pantanal. Chapada dos Guimaràes Nation Park is located to the east of Cuiabá. The park is filled with waterfalls and caves of the cerrado (a biome known as the Brazilian savanna.

When visiting Cuiaba, be sure to try guarana (a soft drink symbolic of the Pantanal), rice with pequi and the also the local freshwater fish.

Plane/ airport
Cuiaba airport receives national flights from all over entire Brazil. One of the strategic spots of international air connections with Cuiabá is Brasilia airport, which receives flights from Buenos Aires, Paris, Atlanta, Miami, Lisbon, Panama City and Punta Cana.
Road (bus)
There are buses from state capitals and other large Brazilian cities that arrive at the Cuiabá Bus Station. You can reach the city by the highways BR-364, BR-163 and BR-070.

Cuiabá has 1,944 bus stops and 88 registered bus routes, according to the Department of Urban Mobility.
Personal or Rental Vehicles
You can rent a car to get around the the city.
One of the most practical ways of getting around the city is by taxi. Calculate the fare and check which companies that provide this type of service.

Cuiabá City Hall

Tourist attractions of Cuiabá

The area code (DDD) for Cuiabá is 65.


Emergency (Samu): 192
Department of Culture, Sport and Tourism: + 55 (65) 3617-1261

To enter Brazil, vaccination against any type of illness is not mandatory. However, vaccination against yellow fever (a disease transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes) is recommended before your trip. If you have never taken the vaccine, you need to take it up to 10 days before the trip (this time period is not necessary if you have already been vaccinated).

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