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Atlantic Forest Atlantic Forest

Atlantic Forest

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Atlantic Forest is 27 states of Brazil is Biome

The Atlantic Forest is a biome that stretches over a distance of more than 3000 km parallel to the brazilian coast between 17 States of Brazil and 3,429 cities. For being one of the richest areas in biodiversity on the planet, Unesco declared the Atlantic Forest a Biosphere Reserve.

Currently, 72% of the Brazilian population lives in the Atlantic Forest, world-famous cities, such as Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Porto Alegre, which houses urban parks and forest reserves.

The Atlantic Forest has Brazilian famous tourist regions, such as the Costa do Descobrimento, Costa Verde, Mantiqueira Mountains, the Atlantic Forest, Serra Geral, and Serra do Mar.

They are tropical forests, restingas and mangroves, and a rich biodiversity of flora and fauna that provide ecotourism activities, adventure tourism, the tourist combo “nature plus beach”, contact with indigenous villages and immersion in the history of the Country, since Brazil began to be inhabited by the coast.

Atlantic Forest is 27 states of Brazil
is Biome