10 sensational beaches to surf

Who likes to do high maneuvers in the sea, finds in Brazil perfect places for this.

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The beauty of Brazilian beaches is unquestionable! The country is privileged by a coastline with a diversity of soft sand beaches, and several of them are perfect for surfing in tubes and catching a good swell.

From beaches that are the stage for important national and international surfing championships to big wave beaches all year round, we have listed for you some that rob the heart of surfers:

In the southeast of the country, you come across Itaúna Beach, also known as "the Maracanã of surfing". Besides hosting several championships, the beach of icy waters is one of the best in the state of Rio de Janeiro and has strong and consistent waves that provide perfect lefts.

In Espírito Santo, the strong winds make The Regência Beach one of the main beaches of the coast to surf. It attracts several surfers in search of the three types of waves that form there: long, smooth and tubular.

The north coast of the state of São Paulo is home to the crowded The Maresias Beach. From fickle seas and fast waves of various sizes, it is suitable for experienced surfers. On the other hand, the southern coastline of the state, you can surf in the crystal clear waters of one of the only beaches in Brazil with the International Blue Flag Certification: The Tombo Beach. In addition to being venue for major championships, its rough seas form good swells.

Generally, those who travel to the Brazilian Northeast expect beaches with crystalline waters and calm seas, but are surprised to find quality waves for surfing, such as The Forte Beach, in Bahia. Between March and July, enjoy surfing on this beach that has five main peaks with coral bottom and one with sandy bottom.

Another point of surfers in the Northeast is The Pipa Beach, in Rio Grande do Norte. With waves up to 2 meters that are constant and break slowly, it is very common to find a crowded sea. So be careful at the time of the maneuver, the peak is also divided by longboards and funboards.

Who likes good waves can not fail to know the state of Pernambuco. There you will find The Maracaípe Beach, which, besides the paradisiac beauty, has consistent peaks and great winds. Fernando de Noronha is internationally renowned for its stunning beaches, diverse peaks and famous surfing championships. The Cacimba do Padre beach gave the title of Hawaii Brazilian to the archipelago, with sea of waves of up to 5 meters.

In the South of Brazil, you also find a variety of beaches for surfing. With one of the most intense waves and one of the longest waves in the country, The Matinhos Peak, in the state of Paraná, has a busy sea and is the scenario for several championships in this sport modality.

In Santa Catarina is one of the postcards of the Island of Florianópolis, The Joaquina Beach. Joaca, as it is affectionately known among surfers who frequent the region, has a landscape framed by dunes, crystal clear waters and strong waves that reach up to 3 meters.

Whichever beach you choose to surf, be sure to have appropriate equipment for each type of sea and always check the tide tables to enjoy the best surfing in Brazil.