7 programs for you to feel like a typical Brazilian

Brazilians do not live off samba, feijoada and caipirinha only. If you are looking for an experience apart from these, this post is for you.

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You don’t need much to live like a typical Brazilian. Fill the bag with enthusiasm, and enjoy amazing places, delicious food and, especially, what the Country has to offer best: the joy of its people.

Street markets: Brazilians love fairs, if it's outdoors, even better. Taste little pieces of fruit typical of many States, eat moqueca (typical brazilian cuisine stew usually made with seafood) as if you were in Bahia or even try one of the most popular – and tasty – combinations offered in the stalls: pastel [fried turnover] and broth of sugarcane - a plant used to produce sugar and alcohol. Brazilians also make a point of attending the handicraft and clothing fairs and street markets scattered around the cities. The Feira Hippie of Belo Horizonte, in the State capital, and the famous 25 de Março, in São Paulo, are very traditional fairs in the country: you find a bit of everything: handmade jewelry, cheap clothes, food from Minas Gerais and exclusive products. You can live this experience in the cities of São Paulo, Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília and Belo Horizonte.

Barbecue & beer: No matter the situation: Brazilians love roast meat with cold beer. If you are in the company of friends and family, close to the sea or around a swimming pool, the day will be perfect. You can enjoy good barbecue in the cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Florianópolis.

Go to waterfalls, rivers and lakes: Not all Brazilian States are privileged with an immense blue sea. But since Brazil does not lack natural beauty, Brazilians take advantage – and very well! – of beautiful waterfalls, rivers and lakes surrounded by tropical vegetation, friends and a lot of fresh water to cool off. You can freshen up in the waterfalls of Pirenópolis (GO), Chapada Diamantina (Bahia), Diamantina (MG).

Dancing: If there's music, there are brazilians dancing. The joy of Brazilians lies in the beat of the drums, in regional dances, street dances, ballroom dance. In the country, Brazilians tend to gather at a friend's house to have fun to the sound of all rhythms and with the same goal: to dance until the sun comes up. If someone invites you, think twice before saying "no."

Strolling at the Mall: Go shopping in Brazil is not synonymous with just shopping: it's also a social program. It’s to wander through the shops talking about fashion with your friends, it´s relaxing with a good movie in the cinema, it’s facing line to the toys just to see the smile on children’s faces, it’s to go to the same restaurant at the tenth time just to enjoy that delicious dish and, especially, meeting loved ones and catching up. Get in this mood and take the opportunity to do some shopping!

Drink açai berry: Brazilian heat asks for icy delights, and one of the most traditional in the country is the açai berry. Typical fruit of northern Brazil, rich in vitamin E and widely used in the cuisine of Manaus, Brazilians tend to freshen up with a delicious bowl of Açai (a type of smoothie made with this fruit) and add some items also typically Brazilian, like Guarana syrup (fruit native to Amazon) and fruits. You can relish a bowl of Acai in the cities of Manaus, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

What to do on Sundays: Take the kids to one of the beautiful parks or circuses in the country is a typical Sunday program for Brazilians. The playground is filled with children: popcorn and cotton candy (sweet made of crystallized sugar) everywhere and lots of smiles. You can have fun with parks and circuses in the cities of Brasilia, Sao Paulo, Belo Horizonte, and Rio de Janeiro.