If you step in Brasil, you will have to dance Samba

Disembarking in Rio de Janeiro knowing that you will come across samba has been the city’s signature for nearly 100 years.

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Over a century, the samba was established in various locations of Rio de Janeiro and kept alive the tradition that began in 1916, with Ernesto dos Santos - Donga, composer of the song "Pelo telefone", considered the first of its kind in the country. The landing on the wonderful city requires being aware that you are entering perhaps most important samba stronghold of Brasil. Here are some suggestions of places to get you in the samba mood:

In one of the entries of the Morro da Conceição, in the Saúde district, lies the Pedra do Sal, one of the leading refuges of samba carioca, with samba circles on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. It houses the Remanescentes de Quilombos Community and was declared cultural heritage in 1984 by the State Institute of Cultural heritage. Located 100 meters from Largo da Prainha, it gathered great names of the rhythm, such as Donga, João da Baiana, Pixinguinha and Heitor dos Prazeres.

Intended for music professionals, which usually don't work on Mondays, Samba do Trabalhador was conceived by composer Moacyr Luz. The circle starts at 5:00 pm in the district of Andaraí, west zone of Rio de Janeiro, more precisely at the Clube da Renascença. Although it takes place in the beginning of the week, it gathers more than 1000 people per event.

Samba do Ouvidor attracts hundreds of people, at the intersection of Rua do Ouvidor with Rua do Mercado, for the priority given to sambistas like Candela, Manaceia and Mestre Fuleiro. The party takes place in front of the Rio de Janeiro stock exchange, in the surroundings of Praça XV, and has contributed to increase the local trade, especially with gastronomic options.

In Santa Teresa, bohemian neighborhood of the central zone of Rio de Janeiro, the Samba do Mercado das Pulgas is run by the Sambalangandã Group. It is held every other week, in the Casarão da Federação, Largo dos Guimarães's bar. The repertoire includes composers like Wilson Moreira, Roberto Mendes and Luiz Carlos da Vila. Because of the location, Santa Teresa offers a privileged view. The suburb is also famous for charmingly adopting the tram as a means of transportation.

Situated in the northern part of the city, the neighborhood of Madureira is home to two important Carnival samba schools of Rio de Janeiro: Portela and Império Serrano. That way, you don't have to explain the presence of the genre in the area, every day, in every corner of the region. The neighborhood has served as inspiration to composers like Clara Nunes, Arlindo Cruz, Paulinho da Viola and Zeca Pagodinho.