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Porto Seguro

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Gateway to the region known as the Discovery Coast, Porto Seguro is a history lesson about Brasil. It was there that the Portuguese arrived in 1500, and if fell in love with Brasil. The city will certainly blow you away too.

Between houses, streets and churches, the historic center (Cidade Alta), protected by the National Historic and Artistic Heritage Institute (Iphan) in 1973, preserves traces of the beginning of the Brazilian colonial period. There you will find the Discovery Landmark [Marco do Descobrimento], the Nossa Senhora da Misericórdia Church, the Nossa Senhora da Pena Church, Saint Benedict's Church and House of Chamber and Jail.

The city’s shoreline is taken by beach huts playing music all day and offering activities such as collective dance classes and band performances to the sound of axé music and other genres. The ones at Taperapuan Beach, very sought after by large groups of tourists, are the hottest and offer programming day and night. The Mutá beach has more reserved and charming huts.

The gastronomic scene is concentrated in the region called Passarela do Descobrimento (formerly Passarela do Álcool). There you will find handicraft fair, restaurants and typical snacks, like cocada (coconut candy) and tapioca (type of crepe made with manioc flour). Surely you won't resist the famous Capeta, a vodka-based drink, with sweetened condensed milk, cinnamon and Guarana sold by hawkers on the boulevard.

Between Porto Seguro and Arraial D'ajuda, an island surrounded by mangroves reserves an unusual midnight tour on Fridays. It’s Ilha dos Aquários, a thematic leisure complex with huge tanks of stingrays, sharks and exotic fish, plus children's programming, concerts, DJs, bars and restaurants.

The Discovery Coast has luxurious resorts and charming Inns. It is worth taking advantage of the proximity between Porto Seguro and Arraial d'ajuda to spend a few days in the village of Arraial, which can serve as basis for quick trips to neighboring municipalities, such as Trancoso and Caraíva.

The Porto Seguro Airport receives direct flights from many Brazilian cities, such as Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and São Paulo.
Address: Estrada do Aeroporto, SN - Cidade Alta - Porto Seguro - BA
Telephone: +55 (73) 3288-1880
The bus station of Porto Seguro receives several bus lines. Check the destinations and timetables.
Address: Estrada do Aeroporto - Cidade Alta - Porto Seguro - BA
Telephone: +55 (73) 3288-1914
Personal or rental vehicles

Leaving Salvador, take the BR-101 to Eunápolis and then BR-376 to Porto Seguro. In total, there are 709 km. See the route.

Personal or rental vehicle
If you want more freedom, you can rent a car to get around Porto Seguro. Check car rental companies.

The easiest way of getting around town is by taxi. Check companies providing this service in the city.

Secretaria Municipal de Cultura e Turismo
The State Government of Bahia

The area code (DDD) for Porto Seguro is 73.


Tourist Services Porto Seguro: +55 (73) 3012-2782

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